Monday, October 21, 2019

End of the season. Looking forward to 2020

The camping season officially ended for the "Dutchmen" on Sunday when it returned from its final rental. It's October in Minnesota and while the weather was picture perfect, we all know what's coming.

The inaugural season was a lot of fun. I met some really great people and everyone reported having fun with the camper and everyone gave me great feedback to make things even better in the camper, and I'm implementing all of them.

The people have spoken. They like the LED overhead light better than the old incandescent version, and so I'll be installing a second one over the winter.

I'll also be replacing the screwy jacks I inherited when I bought the camper in May with new leveling jacks that will speed up the setup process to get Dutchmen perfectly level for you.

When Lynn rented the camper for a two-week rental to the Badlands (and ran into a blizzard), she reported difficulty keeping the door latch. That has now been fixed (I fabricated a bracket) and this also speeds up the process of getting the top door frame to mate with the lower one.

Lynn, by the way, printed and then laminated my setup/takedown instructions for future renters to reference. Thank you, Lynn!

I'm also going to put a new water faucet in with an electric pump, replacing the original faucet which, it seems to me, was useless.

Over the winter, I'm also going to replace the gas line hose to the propane tank (I will continue to provide free propane) so that a quick connect/disconnect can be added, eliminating the need to carry the wrench. This, too, will speed up set up time.

Other suggested improvements include some wall hooks to hand things on while camping.

I hope to see you again in 2020! Reserve now at 2019 rates.

Goodbye, litte camper

  Last night, the new owner of the little camper came to get her. For $1. The camper didn't go quietly; the flatbed was very tall and th...