Saturday, October 29, 2022

New mattresses for more comfort

Usually at this time of year, I start planning for what improvements to the little camper can be made during the off-season. Funds raised through camper rentals are ALL put back into the comfort and safety of the camper.

This was a good season so it was possible already to add the new stove.

But when a renter didn't pay attention to the step in the camper guide which says "be sure to check that the door hasn't swung down onto the bunk pad before attempting to pull the bunks out", I knew I had the next improvement: new mattresses.

So I found ones with a slightly thicker pad but which use a dense foam rather than the old foam in the old mattresses. Super comfortable!"

Now that doesn't mean you shouldn't check on the door before pulling out the bunks; these will actually rip easier than the old mattresses.

Goodbye, litte camper

  Last night, the new owner of the little camper came to get her. For $1. The camper didn't go quietly; the flatbed was very tall and th...